Getting to Know Your International Contacts

I decided to bring Ghana to the fore…this week, I felt I should share with my colleagues the rate or the level of poverty In Ghana, I have realized that poverty differ, depending on the demography, there is no one single definition of poverty.

“The most commonly used way to measure poverty is based on incomes. A person is considered poor if his or her income level falls below some minimum level necessary to meet basic needs. This minimum level is usually called the “poverty line”. What is necessary to satisfy basic needs varies across time and societies. Therefore, poverty lines vary in time and place, and each country uses lines which are appropriate to its level of development, societal norms and values.” The World Bank Organisation

Ghana was the first black nation to gain independence – in 1957. Ghana is home to 22 million people. Seventy per cent of Ghana’s people depend on subsistence farming to survive. Droughts and floods are common, and many families regularly experience severe food shortages. Ghana’s poverty level has declined to about 24.2 percent from the 51 percent recorded in 1991.This means about 24.2 percent of Ghanaians measuring some 6.4million cannot afford to spend GHS3.60 (1.60$) on food a day.


The people below the poverty line were about 7milion in 2005. Also about 8.4percent of the population live in extreme poverty. This indicates they cannot afford to spend more than GHS2.17 on food in a day. This is according to the Ghana Living Standard survey 6 report conducted by the Ghana Statistical service (GSS).The report also revealed that Ghana has achieved goal one of the Millennium Development goals even before the target year of 2015.The Goal requires that Ghana halves its poverty level by 2015.

The survey is aimed at providing information on the patterns of household consumption and expenditure, serve as the basis for the construction of a new basket for the next re-basing of the Consumer Price Index and also provide information for up-dating the country’s National Accounts. Ghana Living Standard Survey 6 report also revealed unemployment rate in Ghana is only at 5.2%. Also, more females than males are reported to be unemployed.


We have ten regions and each region has its fair share of poverty with the Northern part recording higher rate. Some attribute poverty to Lack of education, ignorance, poor environment, Lack of supervision, poor parenting corruption and Poverty that is politically, culturally, and religiously driven as well as selfishness and greed. Poverty is the state for the majority of the world’s people and nations. Why is this? Is it enough to blame poor people for their own predicament? Have they been lazy, made poor decisions, and been solely responsible for their plight? What about their governments? Have they pursued policies that actually harm successful development? Such causes of poverty and inequality are no doubt real. But deeper and more global causes of poverty are often less discussed.


Trickling down to where I visited this week to see the extent of damage poverty has caused: Agbogbloshie. Agbobgloshie goes by many names. Some refer to it as Old Fadama. It has also been nicknamed Sodom and Gomorrah – everyone agrees it is hell on earth. Children who have spent every moment since birth breathing in the toxic fumes that burn round the clock routinely die of cancer in that area. Every step you take on the oozing, sludgy ground is perilous. The earth is pocked with broken glass from busted up television sets, exposed industrial wiring and sharp edges of the remains of freezers, vehicles, discarded things that the West no longer wanted. Once a wetland with crystal blue waters that you could see straight through to the sandy bottom, now poisonous environment and home to thousands of people, 40,000 by some estimates. They come from all over the country in search of employment in the capital city. Employment opportunities are already scarce for educated residents with roots in the capital that go back at least two generations. Nepotism is the order of the day and classism ensures that big breaks that lead to real opportunities remain in the ranks of a particular few. The population of Agbogbloshie consists of economic migrants from northern and rural parts of Ghana. Living standards in the north and rural areas are growing worse, causing people to move to urban settings, such as Agbogbloshie. Conditions may not be significantly better, but making a living is easier. Inhabitants of Agbogbloshie live, eat, work and relieve themselves on the land and amongst the waste. Children who are able to attend school often spend every evening and weekend processing waste searching for metals. Dwellings are wooden shacks that lack water and sanitation. The area is also home to armed robbers, prostitutes, drug dealers and others involved in underground markets. Crime and disease run rampant throughout Agbogbloshie, creating an almost uninhabitable environment for humans. Outsiders have nicknamed the area “Sodom and Gomorrah,” after two condemned Biblical cities, due to the harsh living conditions in Agbogbloshie.


We must tackle the challenges of poverty with the right tools, in a patient, loving, diligent, prayerful, and consistent fashion in accordance with the kinds of people we are dealing with, resources and manpower available to us, and the varied levels of understanding, abilities, and strengths of the people involved. We must educate and encourage the wealthy, the more endowed, and the more blessed people in our communities to help the less fortunate ones as well, while we teach and train the poor to make the best use of all available opportunities to work, generate their personal riches, and provide for themselves. The best and most important place to start solving the poverty problem is in our homes, courtships, marriages, and families. Tackling poverty and prosperity issues at the parenting level is the best way to lay a solid foundation for future advancement and productivity in adults, that promotes authentic and progressive wealth and riches in societies and nations. God is always ready to be our Helper.


Myjoyonline. Retrieved from

Anim Kwaku Boadu (2014). Ghana’s poverty level declines: Citifmonline. Retrieved from

8 thoughts on “Getting to Know Your International Contacts

  1. Stephanie
    Thank you for shedding light on Ghana and their challenges with poverty. I know that many take for granted what we have here in the United States, as well as some other global places. As a parent and teacher it takes great strength to raise a child under such conditions in Ghana. Floods, famine, disease without medication are tramatic on their own, non the less together. I give props to those who live in the villages and help each other to survive life to the best of their abilities.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Stephanie,
    Thank you for sharing information about Ghana it was very insightful and very impactful. The pictures that you used really told the story and the struggles of those living in poverty in Ghana. The information that you provided was very in depth and magnified what it is like for children in Ghana and the conditions that they deal with on a day to day basis. My heart goes out to the children and families in Ghana who have to endure such harsh conditions. Thank you for sharing such a wonderful story I really appreciate it.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Stephanie, thank you for sharing the information on Ghana. It is surprising that the poverty level in Ghana has actually declined, but the three regions in the north have seen only marginal decreases. (Rural Poverty Portal, n.d.). There are still challenges that exist in the region. Agriculture is a major part of the economy and rural subsistence agricultural farmers are among the poorest socioeconomic groups in Ghana. (Poverty in Ghana, 2013).

      Poverty in Ghana. (2013, July 1). Retrieved November 15, 2015, from
      Rural Poverty Portal. (n.d.). Retrieved November 15, 2015, from


    2. Stephanie, it is surprising that the poverty level in Ghana has actually declined, but the three regions in the north have seen only marginal decreases. (Rural Poverty Portal, n.d.). There are still challenges that exist in the region. Agriculture is a major part of the economy and rural subsistence agricultural farmers are among the poorest socio-economic groups in Ghana. (Poverty in Ghana, 2013)

      Poverty in Ghana. (2013, July 1). Retrieved November 15, 2015, from
      Rural Poverty Portal. (n.d.). Retrieved November 15, 2015, from


  3. Stephanie, it is surprising that the poverty level in Ghana has actually declined, but the three regions in the north have seen only marginal decreases. (Rural Poverty Portal, n.d.). There are still challenges that exist in the region. Agriculture is a major part of the economy and rural subsistence agricultural farmers are among the poorest socioeconomic groups in Ghana. (Poverty in Ghana, 2013)
    Poverty in Ghana. (2013, July 1). Retrieved November 15, 2015, from
    Rural Poverty Portal. (n.d.). Retrieved November 15, 2015, from


  4. Stephanie, it is surprising that the poverty level in Ghana has actually declined, but the three regions in the north have seen only marginal decreases. (Rural Poverty Portal, n.d.). There are still challenges that exist in the region. Agriculture is a major part of the economy and rural subsistence agricultural farmers are among the poorest socio-economic groups in Ghana. (Poverty in Ghana, 2013)
    Poverty in Ghana. (2013, July 1). Retrieved November 15, 2015, from
    Rural Poverty Portal. (n.d.). Retrieved November 15, 2015, from


  5. Stephanie, it is surprising that the poverty level in Ghana has actually declined, but the three regions in the north have seen only marginal decreases. (Rural Poverty Portal, n.d.). There are still challenges that exist in the region. Agriculture is a major part of the economy and rural subsistence agricultural farmers are among the poorest socio-economic groups in Ghana. (Poverty in Ghana, 2013)

    Poverty in Ghana. (2013, July 1). Retrieved November 15, 2015, from
    Rural Poverty Portal. (n.d.). Retrieved November 15, 2015, from


  6. Wow, I was incredibly interested to hear that since 1991 the poverty rate has been decreased by 50%! What has occurred in the country to make this happen? It seems as though there must have been some sort of concentrated effort on the part of the government to have such a drastic change. Despite this seemingly positive change, it sounds as though the children and families that still live in poverty are faced with incredibly challenging circumstances. I think that many of the questions you asked in your post about how so many people in the world can still live in such immense poverty is likely partially the result of stereotypes and lack of self-awareness about our own biases around this topic. To start tackling systemic problems such poverty we have to be willing to reflect on our own believes and recognize our own biases that may impact how we move through the world. This can be uncomfortable and risky because we have to admit to things that we might not be proud of or that we are working to overcome. As educators I think we can lead by example by speaking openly about our own experiences, biases and efforts to recognize these biases in order to lessen their impact, in hopes that we can keep conversations going and ideas flowing about how to tackle some of these important issues.

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